Fair Tailgate

Since starting my new career as a Realtor in April, I've been very fortunate to meet and work with such great people. It's my pleasure and honor to invite you to this thank you party. Every one of you has helped me in this new journey, from encouragement, to trusting with me with your purchase or sale, passing my info along as a referral or being a vendor partner. You're invited to this fun event! Adults only please, and please bring a friend! Catered food, open bar, classic rock band "The Burners", prizes, raffles, and free gifts to everyone in attendance! Meet new friends, have some fun, and get rid of the winter blahs! Wear your favorite team gear (any sport) for a chance at great prizes! Raffle proceeds will be donated to the Animal Rescue League of Berks County. Please call me for detailed event info, to make a raffle donation, or to RSVP. 610-413-0520