Storage Units: Short or long-term solution?

I read this great blog recently by a good friend of mine and felt the need to share it. It's great info and I hope you enjoy it. Kudos and thanks to Vali Heist for allowing me to reproduce her blog here for you to read... - Erica By Vali G. Heist, Certified Professional Organizer® “Have you seen the show Hoarders?” As soon as someone finds out I’m a professional organizer, they ask this question. I believe one of the reasons people watch the show is they understand how clutter might get out of control, even if it’s not at that level. Compared to the rest of the world, many Americans could look like hoarders: We have garages filled with equipment we haven’t used in years with no room for cars; we have attics filled to the rafters with things we haven’t seen in ages; and we have basements filled with stuff we haven’t taken the time to go through for quite some time. It’s a scary, fine line between a hoarder with a disorder and The Great American Consumer with too much...