Considerations When Selling Your Home

Selling your home is a big decision and requires some careful consideration and planning. Here are some areas to think about when preparing to make the decision to sell your home. How soon do I want to sell my property? Statistics show the narrower the gap between the asking price and my estimate of value, the sooner an offer will come in. How does my home compare to others in the area? As a real estate professional, I have access to details about current listed and sold properties through the Multiple Listing Service. You will be able to see how much competition there is and what effect market conditions have had in your area. You can then determine your price by analyzing homes comparable to yours in age, size, condition and location. What are buyers willing to offer? Buyers are interested in your home’s comparable worth, not what you might need to get out of the property. The buyer’s perception of the value of your home will not be altered by the c...