What is Essential?
friend Vali G. Heist always has great tips and ideas when working on cleaning,
decluttering and organizing your home. This blog is an excerpt from one of her
recent posts…
Vali G. Heist, The Clutter Crew:
In the past couple of months, the
world has redefined what the word essential means. Essential workers, essential
quarantine supplies, and the essential people in our lives. I know I made some
decisions about what is and what is not essential in my life during this time,
how about you?

Living through a quarantine has
helped me realize that I designed the spaces in my home to hold the essential
items that make my life easier and that make me happy. Letting go of the CRAP
is an on-going process for me and it helps me maintain sanity in a face-paced
world. It also provides a peaceful sanctuary for me and my family. Here are the
essential spaces in my home and how to keep them manageable by eliminating the
non-essential items:
Include: Comfortable clothing and shoes that really fit and make
you feel good about yourself; a bedside table that includes only the items you
use on a nightly basis; comfortable mattress and bedding; and décor that calms
you and makes you smile.
Let Go: Everything that doesn’t fit, is worn out, makes you feel
bad about your body, haven’t used or worn in years, or décor that invokes bad
karma or negative feelings.
Include: One shampoo, one conditioner, one soap (or body wash), the
make-up you actually use, the medications you currently take, limited hair and
face products and pretty towels.
Let Go: Everything that does not work as promised, hasn’t been
used in years, is expired or old, and stained or ratty towels.
Include: Items that can do double or triple duty, a realistic
amount of storage containers, single layer of mugs and glasses, and plenty of
healthy snacks.
Let Go: Gadgets used once or never, appliances or items you no
longer use, too much of anything, extraneous kitchen utensils, and snacks that
don’t encourage healthy eating.
Include: Office supplies and current project files within arm’s
reach, library of resource material you use on a regular basis, updated
electronics and office equipment that saves time and increases efficiency and
décor that inspires you and supports your ambitions.
Let Go: Outdated office equipment, old files and tax returns no
longer needed, books not referenced in years, and décor with a negative vibe.
Finally, I hope that as we go
forward into the new normal, you have redefined what is essential in your life.
Do not let anyone tell you what is essential for you or your life, and that
includes people or stuff.
from Vali
G. Heist, CRAP Expert, The
Clutter Crew
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