Change the Clocks and Make a Home Checklist

This Sunday, we change our clocks. March 11, 2018. That means we “spring” forward by one hour. It also means it’s the perfect time to make an annual home checklist. It’s also probably the time of year when your sleep gets a bit disrupted until you adjust, so do your best to muddle through!
When we change the clocks forward one hour, this is the time of year when days are slowly getting longer. This gives you a bit of extra daylight time each day to work on tasks around the home that you keep putting off for later.
The top home task when you change the clocks is to change the batteries in your home’s smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. Yes, you just put new batteries in about six months ago, but better to be safe than sorry. Putting fresh batteries in your detectors keeps you and your family safe in case of an emergency. When you change the batteries, dust the detectors with a damp cloth. This will keep dust from clogging the sensors and keep the detectors working properly.
Speaking of dust, it’s a great time to dust your entire home. Vacuum carpets. Roll up area rugs and take them outside. Give them a good shake to remove debris and vacuum the floors beneath them before putting them back in your home. Dust ceiling fans, light fixtures, ceilings, stairs, baseboards and ductwork. And don’t forget to vacuum under and around appliances. While you’re at it, make sure to remove all of the lint that’s accumulated in your dryer. You should do this every time you do a load of laundry. Take the extra time now to make sure all lint and dust is removed to prevent a future fire.
Windows. Yes, windows. Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to look out your newly cleaned windows and see the beautiful spring weather rather than peering through winter grime? Winter weather is especially harsh on the exterior of your windows so pay close attention to the outside when cleaning.
Appliances are next. Do a through cleaning with a good household cleanser. Remove grease and grime from kitchen appliances and they’ll look like new.
Tackle the bedrooms by washing all sheets, blankets and covers. It’s time to remove the heavy winter bedding and make the beds with lighter weight sheets and comforters for spring. You’ll sleep better without breathing in dust from comforters that have been on your bed throughout the winter. Before you store the winter bedding, wash it thoroughly.
If you aren’t totally exhausted at this point, your final step can be to get rid of excess “stuff.” Spring is a time for new beginnings and fresh starts. Take a slow and thoughtful walk through your home and take notice of areas of clutter. You may see items that you haven’t used in over a year. Get rid of it. Donate it if you can. The less stuff you have cluttering your home, the fresher your home feels and the less stress you may have!
Happy spring cleaning…and don’t forget to change your clocks forward one hour this Sunday, March 11th!


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